Words from the CEO
Anti-Bribery Code

Caroline HERNU, Managing Director MACOPHARMA
Created in 1977 in France, Macopharma, thanks to the hard work of its employees, grows and became a global company.
True to its words and faithful to its values of respect and professionalism, Macopharma is able to adapt to new environments and issues in order to meet the expectations of its customers and stakeholders.
If globalization is a chance to reach new markets and customers, of growth, it is also a promise of new challenges to overcome.
In that context, our growth and long term viability stands on three key principles:
Integrity, Exemplarity, Responsibility
The goal of this Policy is to define and explain, with concretes examples, the behaviour expected from all Macopharma’s employees and all personals working in the name and for the Group.
In this new environment, my message is clear: Macopharma reject the corruption and absolutely zero corruption act will be tolerated.
If you have doubt on the application of this Policy or and the behaviour to adopt in a delicate situation, Macopharma is here to help you. Do not hesitate to ask your manager or the Compliance Officer.
The Executive Committee and myself rely upon all and every one of you to apply and make sure that this Policy is applied within the Macopharma Group. Only through our day-to-day mobilisation will we be able to assure Macopharma growth and sustainability.
Tourcoing, September 21st, 2021. Caroline HERNU C.E.O.