Intended for the storage of tissue grafts

Tissue storage pots and kits medfor
Medfor’s range of pots and kits are intended for the storage of tissue grafts, such as amniotic membrane, bone, cardiovascular, sclera, skin and tendon.
Most of the pots and kits can be frozen to–80 ° C for up to five years.
All products are double-bagged in pouches that have a peel-back aperture which make them easy to open, allowing the contents to be placed on a sterile theatre field in an aseptic manner.
CE-marked for in vivo use
Conform to Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC + 2007/47/EC
Prepared in Class 10,000 cleanroom conditions
Sterilisation by gamma irradiation or ethylene oxide
Medfor certified to ISO 13485:2016
Tissue Storage Pots
These products consist of five pots and caps per pack.

Tissue Storage Kits
Tissue Storage Kits provide a double container system where applications require this.
These products consist of a pot that fits within a larger pot. The tissue is placed within the inner pot which is sealed with the cap and then placed within the outer pot, also sealed with its own cap.

This information is for exclusive use of healthcare professionals.
The products are not available in every country, please contact your sales representative.
MACOPHARMA • Rue Lorthiois 59240 Mouvaux France • Tel : + 33 (0) 3 20 11 84 00 • Fax : +33 (0) 3 20 11 84 03
Société par actions simplifiée au Capital de 493.115 € RCS Lille Metropole 391 600 905 • Code APE 4641 Z • TVA FR 313 916 009 05