SSP+ Platelet Additive Solution is a substitute for plasma in preparation
and storage of buffy-coat (BC) and aphaeresis platelet concentrates (PCs)

Platelet additive solution SSP+
The use of Platelet Additive Solution is a major step to improve transfusion safety thanks to a significant reduction of patient adverse reactions and ABO incompatibility.
Macopharma develops and manufactures solutions to improve the quality and the safety of platelets, allowing better patient outcome.
The recommended ratio is 70% SSP+ 30% Plasma (possible ratio up to 80% SSP+ 20% Plasma).
Since 2004, more than 8 millions of Platelet concentrates have been stored in SSP+, across more than 40 countries (Data from 2020).
Platelet quality :
• More standardised platelet concentrates,
• Improved storage conditions (pH, HSR, Aggregation,…)
Plasma saving :
• Recovered additional plasma used for other purposes: additional therapeutic plasma available & additional income
Stock management improvement :
• Storage time can be extended up to 7 days (according to the law in force),
• Availability of platelets is improved over weekends and public holidays,
• The discard-rate can be reduced by decreasing the number of outdated platelet concentrates,
• Platelet concentrates can be stored up to 4 days without agitation.
Different volumes available : 200mL, 220mL, 250mL, 280mL, 300mL, 500mL
2 connection modes available (for both manual & aphaeresis)
Barcode ISBT 128
Polyolefin bag (Non PVC)
Compatible with all techniques (manual and automatic)
Patient Safety
Macopharma is a major global player in the filtration of blood components, with unique know-howand expertise. We have a deep understanding of your requirements and strive to provide you withreliable and robust filters, guaranteeing high performance stability and reproducibility.
This information is for exclusive use of healthcare professionals.
The products are not available in every country, please contact your sales representative.
MACOPHARMA • Rue Lorthiois 59240 Mouvaux France • Tel : + 33 (0) 3 20 11 84 00 • Fax : +33 (0) 3 20 11 84 03
Société par actions simplifiée au Capital de 493.115 € RCS Lille Metropole 391 600 905 • Code APE 4641 Z • TVA FR 313 916 009 05