Optimize platelet process

The Buffy Coat method of platelet production has been in widespread use, predominantly in Europe, for over 30 years.

Many years of published studies have clearly demonstrated that the Buffy Coat method brings significant benefits to the entire spectrum of blood components processing and transfusion.

The Buffy Coat processing will enable us to make the best from every drop of blood collected.

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Buffy coat method advantages

Improved safety of blood components

Buffy Coat processing shows a significant reduction of leucocyte present in Red Blood Cells and

This improvement leads to better patient outcome and shows a significant reduction of blood
transfusion adverse reactions.

The Buffy Coat method results in improved safety and better public health, reducing total
healthcare cost.

Platelet Concentrate

Higher platelet yield

Improved platelet quality (inc. lower platelet activation and contamination)

Optimal for use with Platelet Additive Solution (PAS) and pathogen inactivation

For most patients, platelets prepared from whole blood using the Buffy Coat method are equivalent to apheresis platelets in terms of quality and efficacy.2, 3

Red blood cells (RBC)

Improvement of Red blood cells quality through reduction in microaggregate formation and haemolysis ; less plasma remaining with the red cells

Optimized blood bank manufacturing process

24-hour production window for greater flexibility that permits processing to be done on the day after collection

Improved process control in component production and blood component availability

Automatic separators allow standardized extraction, guaranteeing reproducibility and supporting good laboratory practices

Increased recovery of Plasma : + 85 mL with the use of PAS for a pool of Buffy Coat.1

1. Scott Murphy, Platelets from pooled buffy coats: an update, Transfusion, 2005(45), 634-639
2. Nancy Heddle et al._ Comparing the efficacy and safety of apheresis and whole blood-derived platelet transfusions : a systematic review.Transfusion. 2008;(48):1447-1457
3. Hubert Schrezenmeier et al._ Buffy-coat-derived pooled platelet concentrates and apheresis platelet concentrates : which product type should be preferred?.Vox Sanguinis.2010;(99):1-15

This information is for exclusive use of healthcare professionals.
The products are not available in every country, please contact your sales representative.
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