The very first multiple sterile
connection device
Its one-step procedure
allows up to
The time needed to connect
a pool of Buffy Coat
is less than
Macopharma Innovation
Connect to Excellence

The very first multiple sterile connection device
Especially designed for pooling operations
Maconnect is a unique and innovative concept, especially designed to optimize, simplify and step up the platelets preparation process, while guaranteeing the preparation of a safe platelet concentrate.
Maconnect is the very first multiple sterile connection device, especially designed for pooling operations.
With Maconnect
Small footprint
Perfect ergonomics & Unique design
Flexibility & Process optimization
Maconnect’s innovative and unique tube holder’s design allows
the preparation of one pool of Buffy Coat in a one-step procedure
Smart design
Decrease of repetitive strain injuries thanks to an easy handling
with guidance
Sensitive capacitive touchscreen display usable with gloves
Optimization, simplifying & set up of the platelets preparation process
to 50 pools
blades cartridge
the quantity of blades
Amount of remaining blades on the touchscreen display

up to 12 tubes
One pool of Buffy Coat performed in one welding cycle
Easy to use, flexible, safe and reliable operation
Increase of productivity for a faster process
This information is for exclusive use of healthcare professionals.
The products are not available in every country, please contact your sales representative.
MACOPHARMA • Rue Lorthiois 59240 Mouvaux France • Tel : + 33 (0) 3 20 11 84 00 • Fax : +33 (0) 3 20 11 84 03
Société par actions simplifiée au Capital de 493.115 € RCS Lille Metropole 391 600 905 • Code APE 4641 Z • TVA FR 313 916 009 05
connections performed