Macopharma provides you with the widest range
of blood collection systems adapted to your needs

Blood bags systems
We care about patients’ safety. Because our customers’ needs matter, we put forward our expertise to offer the widest and the most adaptable range of blood bags systems.
We are proud to listen, care and provide you with blood bag systems that are matching your needs.
We are confident that our range
of blood bag systems will enable you
to find the best solution that fits
your process needs.
We offer you flexibility through
The quantity of bags in our systems : from single to quintuple bags configurations
The volume of whole blood collected : from 250 ml to 500 ml
A wide range of anti-coagulant and additive solutions
The availability of all our bags systems with in-line leucocyte reduction filters
The choice of blood component produced :
Red Blood Cells concentrate, Plasma unit, Platelets from Buffy-Coat or Platelet-Rich Plasma method, Serum, etc.
This information is for exclusive use of healthcare professionals.
The products are not available in every country, please contact your sales representative.
MACOPHARMA • Rue Lorthiois 59240 Mouvaux France • Tel : + 33 (0) 3 20 11 84 00 • Fax : +33 (0) 3 20 11 84 03
Société par actions simplifiée au Capital de 493.115 € RCS Lille Metropole 391 600 905 • Code APE 4641 Z • TVA FR 313 916 009 05